Tameme- InDevelopment PC

Tameme is coming to PC

Hello, tame carers, a long time has passed since the last update on his project, While I have been busy working on other stuff I haven't forgotten about this, and indeed I have been working on it further, improving the entire game, up to a point where the game is no longer recognisable by what it was: 

It is not a change in direction or style, the game is still going to be about caring for your creature, at home, also, the exploration side of the game has been overhauled dramatically, with the addition of NPC behaviours, enemies, a storyline, and many more things are part of the entire change the game is taking.  Buckle up and prepare for the readout!

Two modes one Game

This game has two differentiated modes, the exploration mode, and the in-house Care mode, these two modes were separated in different scenes to comply with the prototyping phase of the game, now, these two modes are blended in the same scene, Which allows for a seamless and more fluid transition to any of the modes, as well, they have a reason and sense within the universe I am creating which will hopefully make the experience a blast.

Blocky world, Biomes, Dungeons and more.

I made the decision a while ago to improve the world that the player would explore and decided that it needed to be seamless, interesting and way better suited to each biome. In this case, the Tilemap system is a perfect candidate to generate a perfect cubic world with more appealing details.

Before the world was generated using some prefabbed chunks, that could be inclines or plains, and every time you went exploring the generated world it would be different and therefore lack consistency, the world would be generated until you died or the game ran out of memory, which is bad, and sometimes gave bugs and exceptions. 

Introducing myself to the world generation for the second time I was looking for a way more finessed world generation that could provide for the customizability memory control, and randomisation that an organic natural world requires. 
In this case, I used a Perlin noise generator for the ground height  and a linear biome X coordinate randomisation before generating the world height based on the found X coord biome, 

I applied simple transition techniques between the biomes if the generated heights of both ending and starting biomes were beyond 1 or 2 blocks, allowing me to ensure a smooth interpolation between the biome's last height and next height.

After this, the vegetation is added to the world. each biome will have unique and different vegetation as well as different ground structures, and blocks.

At this point, a set of caves is generated removing a set of blocks around generated cave heights providing for cavities and entrances, it still needs further improvement and refinement but the system is already in place

After this, the water is added into the world, based on the waterline height, and biome., I can not give further details on this as I am currently enduring such development and the way water bodies will work may be really different than what was originally just another block type.

NPC and Enemies

Added the first NPC (Chiken) with full navigation capabilities and a brain decision system. That prioritizes survivability (Still in early development)

Enemies are still a kick in the ass, but they have not been improved any little bit.

Initial NPC's

  • Chickens
  • Cats
  • Dogs

Initial enemies

  • Zombie: Extremely slow, danger of infection, Faster at night
  • Skeleton: Melee or ranged enemy, attacks on sight, extremely fragile

The NPC will provide further insight into the story and allow for some kind of player interaction using the dialogue options. Allowing the player to steer out of control of the intended game storyline. It's a feature and not a bug.

Care Options

First of all, the game has switched to having a house fully built by the player, using the tilemap block system now the player is capable of placing and building the house of their dreams. allowing for a more customisable experience.

The game in-house will feature appliances that can be crafted with the encountered materials when exploring, These appliances will serve the creature a purpose like cooking, cleaning crafting, and so on.

The game will feature a fully-fledged metabolic system for your creature that will require you to pay close attention when the creature is in a bad state, a tame caring book will be included within the game to explain how to properly care for your unique creature.

In addition to the metabolic system, a completely advanced and interactable food cooking system will pioneer this game to have rich food mechanics. Allowing you to buff your creature by cooking the perfect dish and customising it to your creature's liking. From peeling to slicing, boiling and frying!  

One of the initial appliances that the creature starts with is medical treatment, when exploring the wild world, the creature may find itself in peculiar situations, these may make the creature get poisoned, ill, cold, burned, or injured, and when these things happen medical treatment should be on duty. You can craft and create different kinds of medicines for different kinds of injuries or diseases.

Cleaning your creature will be a thing, so don't get dirty or get a shower! 

Save System (.json)

I have in place a working save and loading system using the JSON serialisation of some data structures that allow me to save the current world state, the creature state, and the current state and position of everything important in the game.
Therefore I am finally getting rid of the awful playerprefs save system. (Still in development)

Performance Improvements

A lot of performance improvements have been made and the game is running better than ever, 

I have been able to extract a lot of performance by using a distance-based chunk tilemap culling, this system allows me to run the game on bigger world sizes without compromising overall gameplay performance. and ensures a better collision matrix composite and faster collider recomposition compute time when modifying a block in a chunk.

These performance improvements allow me to fill the world with further details, more objects, and shader effects to make the game a better visual experience, It also frees up space to create more advanced systems like the water bodies system NPC logic, etc.

Creature Customisability

I have plans to add customizability features and a tame creator for people to create their own tame DNA and customise their creature to their liking. This system will allow you to choose from different types of bodies, eyes, mouths and colours for each of them  allowing you to have the Tame of your dreams

I do not know when everything is going to be ready but as soon as I can push a safe, working alpha of the intended features for testing i will do it. 

Thanks a lot if you took the time to read through this.  This game will be finished when I feel like I have accomplished everything I set out to make in this game. until then. see you!

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